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Ethereum Virtual Machine [EVM]

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a key component of the Ethereum network. It’s essentially the runtime environment in which smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code, are executed within Ethereum.

Here are some key aspects of the EVM:

  1. Platform Independent: The EVM is completely isolated from the main Ethereum network, which makes it a perfect sandbox-type environment for smart contract execution. This isolation not only prevents any malicious code from compromising the whole network but also doesn’t give access to the network, file system, or processes to smart contracts.
  2. Language-agnostic: The EVM doesn’t limit smart contracts to be written in one specific language. While Solidity is the most popular language for smart contract development, other languages like Vyper are also used. The EVM only requires that smart contracts be compiled into bytecode, which it can understand and execute.
  3. Deterministic: The EVM is deterministic, which means that the execution of smart contracts leads to the same results given the same initial state and inputs. This feature is crucial for consensus within the Ethereum network as it ensures that all nodes agree on the outcome of transactions.
  4. Resource Metered: Every operation in the EVM consumes a certain amount of resources (compute, storage), which are tracked in units called “gas”. This system prevents abuse by making it costly to perform operations that consume a lot of resources.
  5. Secure: The EVM uses a robust security model to ensure that contracts cannot access each other’s state, unless explicitly allowed to do so.

In essence, the EVM is the decentralized computer of the Ethereum network, providing a controlled environment for the execution of smart contracts.