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Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Mining Guide: Step-by-Step

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) mining has caught the interest of miners worldwide due to its profitability and the potential value of Bitcoin Cash. This article provides a basic guide to BCH mining.

What is BCH Mining?

BCH mining is the process of adding new transactions to the blockchain and issuing new BCH. Mining involves solving complex mathematical puzzles. The miner who first solves the puzzle successfully adds a new block to the chain and receives a reward.

Preparing Mining Hardware

BCH mining requires dedicated hardware known as ASIC miners, which are specialized devices designed specifically for mining a particular cryptocurrency. Although ASIC miners are expensive, they significantly increase the success rate of mining.

Installing Mining Software

Next, download and install mining software. This software is necessary to operate the hardware and connect to a mining pool.

Joining a Mining Pool

Mining individually can be challenging, so many miners join mining pools. A mining pool is a group of miners who combine their efforts to mine together. Rewards are distributed among the participants of the pool.

Starting Mining

Once everything is set up, start mining. Launch the mining software and connect to the mining pool. The software will then automatically start mining and send rewards to your wallet.


BCH mining incurs costs, including the purchase cost of mining hardware, electricity, and cooling expenses. Additionally, the difficulty of mining constantly changes. It is important to consider these factors, calculate the payback period, and assess profitability.


BCH mining is made possible with the right hardware and software preparation, and by choosing a mining pool. However, mining is a large-scale enterprise that requires funds and time. Therefore, sufficient research and planning are necessary before starting.