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Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash: The Major Differences Between Two Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are two cryptocurrencies that originate from the same source, each having its unique impact on the world of digital currency. Although these two currencies may seem similar at first glance, there are several important differences between them. This article will detail the major differences between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Origin and History

Bitcoin was created in 2009, becoming the first cryptocurrency in the world. In contrast, Bitcoin Cash was born from a hard fork of Bitcoin in 2017, created to solve Bitcoin’s scaling issues.

Block Size

One of the most significant differences between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash is the block size. Bitcoin’s block size is 1MB, limiting the number of transactions that can be processed at once. On the other hand, Bitcoin Cash initially increased its block size to 8MB, later to 32MB, significantly increasing the number of transactions that can be processed at once.

Transaction Speed and Fees

Due to the difference in block size, Bitcoin Cash can process more transactions more quickly than Bitcoin. Additionally, transaction fees for Bitcoin Cash are generally lower than those for Bitcoin.

Use Cases

Bitcoin is often referred to as “digital gold” and emphasizes its role as a store of value. Meanwhile, Bitcoin Cash is more suited for everyday transactions and aims to function as “electronic cash.”

Community and Support

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are supported by different communities. Bitcoin has a larger community and a broader market presence, accepted by many merchants and service providers. On the other hand, Bitcoin Cash is also accepted by some merchants and service providers, but its range is not as extensive as Bitcoin’s.


Although Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash share a common origin, they each possess different purposes and technical characteristics. Understanding these differences is important in comprehending how each currency is used and has evolved. By grasping these distinctions, one can fully leverage the unique value and opportunities these currencies offer.