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Monero VS ZCash

Which is better, Monero or ZCash?

Below is a comparison between Monero and ZCash, two popular privacy-focused cryptocurrencies. Both have their unique features and target different use cases.

Monero (XMR):

1. Privacy:

Monero uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (RingCT), and stealth addresses to obfuscate the sender, receiver, and transaction amounts.

2. Fungibility:

Monero’s privacy features ensure that each coin is indistinguishable from another, making it truly fungible.

3. ASIC resistance:

Monero’s mining algorithm, RandomX, is designed to be resistant to ASIC mining, making mining more accessible to the average user.

4. Dynamic block size:

Monero’s block size adjusts dynamically based on transaction demand, which can help with scaling.

ZCash (ZEC):

1. Privacy:

ZCash uses zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) to provide privacy. Users can choose between shielded transactions (private) and transparent transactions (public).

2. Selective disclosure:

ZCash allows users to selectively disclose transaction details to chosen parties, which can be useful for audits or compliance.

3. Trusted setup:

ZCash relies on a trusted setup called the “common reference string” (CRS) for its zk-SNARKs protocol. This has been a point of criticism, as it requires users to trust that the initial parameters were generated securely.

4. Founders’ reward:

A portion of newly mined ZCash goes to the founders, which some argue centralizes the reward structure.


The choice between Monero and ZCash depends on your specific needs and preferences. Monero is known for its strong privacy features and ASIC resistance, while ZCash provides a choice between private and transparent transactions with the option for selective disclosure. It’s essential to consider factors like ease of use, community support, and exchange availability when making your decision. Always conduct thorough research and consider potential risks before investing in any cryptocurrency.

Which is more decentralized?

Decentralization can be measured across various aspects, including network distribution, mining, development, and governance. It’s challenging to determine which of the two cryptocurrencies—Monero or ZCash—is more decentralized, but I can provide you with a comparison to help you decide.

1. Network distribution:

Both Monero and ZCash have a large number of nodes distributed across the world, which contributes to decentralization. There isn’t a significant difference between the two in this regard.

2. Mining:


Monero employs the RandomX mining algorithm, designed to be ASIC-resistant. This allows for a more even distribution of mining power among users, as it is more CPU-friendly and accessible to average users.


ZCash uses the Equihash mining algorithm, which was initially ASIC-resistant. However, ASIC miners have been developed for Equihash, leading to more centralized mining power. It’s worth noting that ZCash has made efforts to counter ASIC centralization through its community governance process.

3. Development and governance:


Monero’s development and governance are community-driven, with decisions made by contributors and the community through discussions and rough consensus. Monero also has no founders’ reward or pre-mine, which could be seen as promoting decentralization.


ZCash has a more formal governance structure through the Electric Coin Company (ECC) and the Zcash Foundation. While the governance process is still community-oriented, the presence of these organizations and the founders’ reward might be seen as less decentralized compared to Monero.


In summary, Monero’s mining algorithm, development, and governance model may be considered more decentralized compared to ZCash. However, decentralization can be a complex and subjective topic, and it’s essential to consider each project’s specific goals and implementation when evaluating their level of decentralization.

Which has higher privacy?

Monero and ZCash both prioritize privacy but use different approaches to achieve it. While it’s difficult to definitively say which one has higher privacy, I can provide an overview of their respective privacy features.


  • Monero uses a combination of ring signatures, ring confidential transactions (RingCT), and stealth addresses to ensure privacy.
  • By default, all transactions on the Monero network are private, obfuscating the sender, receiver, and transaction amounts.
  • Monero’s privacy features make it fungible, as each coin is indistinguishable from another, reducing the risk of coins being tainted or blacklisted.


  • ZCash uses zero-knowledge proofs called zk-SNARKs to provide privacy.
  • ZCash offers two types of transactions: shielded (private) and transparent (public). Users can choose between them based on their needs.
  • Shielded transactions provide strong privacy protection, but transparent transactions are similar to those on the Bitcoin network, with limited privacy.
  • The ability to switch between private and transparent transactions can be useful for some use cases, such as selective disclosure for audits or regulatory compliance.


Comparing the privacy of Monero and ZCash is not straightforward, as each has its strengths and weaknesses. Monero has a stronger default privacy, with all transactions being private by design. In contrast, ZCash provides users with a choice between private and transparent transactions, which might be beneficial for certain scenarios but could also reduce overall network privacy.

Some users argue that Monero’s mandatory privacy features make it the more private of the two, while others appreciate the flexibility offered by ZCash’s optional privacy. Ultimately, the “higher” privacy will depend on your specific needs and preferences.