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The Advantages of Using Oursong to Create Music NFTs

Music has always been a crucial part of human culture, and it continues to evolve with technological advancements. The rise of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) has opened up new opportunities for musicians to monetize their creations, and Oursong is one of the leading platforms that enables creators to turn their music into unique digital assets. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using Oursong to create music NFTs and why it is a great choice for musicians.

1. Unique and verifiable ownership

One of the biggest advantages of creating music NFTs with Oursong is the unique and verifiable ownership that it provides. Each NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital asset that is recorded on a blockchain, providing an immutable record of ownership. This ensures that the creator has complete control over their music and can easily prove ownership if any disputes arise. Additionally, the ownership of the NFT can be easily transferred to others, allowing the creator to sell or transfer ownership of their music without any intermediaries.

2. Monetization opportunities

Another advantage of using Oursong to create music NFTs is the monetization opportunities it provides. With traditional music distribution methods, artists often struggle to receive fair compensation for their work due to the involvement of middlemen and the difficulty in tracking usage and royalties. However, with music NFTs, creators can directly monetize their music by selling it as a unique digital asset. Oursong enables creators to set their own price for their music NFTs and receive 87.5% of the revenue generated from sales. (12.5% is sales fee)

3. Increased fan engagement

Music NFTs are a great way to engage with fans and create a closer relationship with them. Oursong allows creators to attach unique benefits to their music NFTs, such as backstage passes, meet and greets, and other exclusive experiences that are not available to the general public. This not only provides a unique experience for fans but also enables creators to generate additional revenue and build a more dedicated fan base.

4. Protection against piracy

Piracy has been a significant issue in the music industry for many years, and it has resulted in significant financial losses for creators. However, with music NFTs, creators can protect their music from piracy by ensuring that each NFT is unique and recorded on a blockchain. This makes it difficult for anyone to copy or distribute the music without permission, as each NFT is tied to a specific owner and cannot be duplicated.

5. Flexibility in licensing

With traditional music distribution methods, licensing agreements can be complex and often require extensive negotiations between creators and licensees. However, with music NFTs, creators have the flexibility to license their music in a more streamlined and transparent manner. Oursong enables creators to set specific terms and conditions for the use of their music, allowing them to maintain control over how their music is used and monetized.

6. Community building

Finally, Oursong provides creators with the opportunity to build a community around their music. By creating a unique digital asset for each piece of music, creators can attract fans who are passionate about their work and are willing to invest in it. Oursong’s platform provides a social element that enables creators to interact with fans, receive feedback, and build a loyal following.

In conclusion, Oursong is an excellent platform for musicians looking to monetize their music and engage with fans in a unique and innovative way. By creating music NFTs, creators can ensure unique and verifiable ownership, monetize their music directly, protect against piracy, and build a dedicated fan base while maintaining control over their music. Additionally, Oursong provides a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of creating and selling music NFTs, making it accessible to musicians of all levels.

How Oursong works

Now that we have explored the advantages of using Oursong to create music NFTs, let’s take a closer look at how the platform works. Oursong enables creators to upload their music, attach unique benefits to each NFT, set their own price, and sell their music directly to fans. Each NFT is recorded on a blockchain, ensuring that ownership is unique and verifiable.

Oursong’s platform also provides a social element that enables creators to interact with fans and build a community around their music. This includes a messaging system that allows creators to receive feedback and answer questions from fans, as well as a community section where fans can connect with each other and discuss the music.


The rise of NFTs has opened up new opportunities for musicians to monetize their music and engage with fans in unique ways. Oursong is one of the leading platforms that enables creators to turn their music into unique digital assets, providing advantages such as unique and verifiable ownership, monetization opportunities, increased fan engagement, protection against piracy, flexibility in licensing, and community building.

By using Oursong to create music NFTs, musicians can take control of their music, build a dedicated fan base, and generate revenue in a more streamlined and transparent manner. With its user-friendly platform and innovative features, Oursong is an excellent choice for musicians of all levels who are looking to take advantage of the opportunities provided by NFTs.