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Comparing Bitcoin Cash’s Cashfusion and Litecoin’s MWEB

In the world of cryptocurrency, privacy and ease of use are two fundamental aspects for one solution to surpass another. Among the numerous privacy protocols, two notable ones are Bitcoin Cash’s Cashfusion and Litecoin’s Mimblewimble Extension Block (MWEB).

This article compares these two privacy solutions and highlights why Cashfusion is considered superior in terms of ease of use due to the necessity to download the entire blockchain for using Litecoin Core and MWEB.

Brief Introduction to Cashfusion and Litecoin’s MWEB


Cashfusion is a protocol developed for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) that enhances transaction privacy. Unlike traditional Bitcoin transactions, where the origin and destination of coins are traceable, Cashfusion mixes inputs and outputs from different users, making it nearly impossible to track coin movements.

Mimblewimble Extension Block (MWEB)

MWEB is a protocol implemented in Litecoin that enhances transaction privacy and fungibility. Named after a spell from the Harry Potter series, Mimblewimble offers robust privacy features by concealing the amount and destination of transactions. Transactions within MWEB are detached from the main Litecoin chain, enhancing privacy without disrupting the core Litecoin network.

The Entire Blockchain Download: A Problem?

A crucial factor in evaluating the ease of use between these two privacy solutions is their respective requirements for blockchain data.

To interact with MWEB, users typically need to download and sync the entire Litecoin blockchain through the Litecoin Core software. This process can be data-intensive and time-consuming, depending on the user’s internet connection and the current size of the blockchain. This could be a barrier for people with limited storage capacity or slow internet connections.

On the other hand, using Cashfusion does not require downloading the entire Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Instead, users can simply download a compatible wallet (such as Electron Cash) and start making private transactions. This lack of requirement allows users to use Cashfusion more quickly and easily without worrying about storage space or internet speed.

Accessibility and Ease of Use: Cashfusion vs. MWEB

When comparing ease of use, Cashfusion’s lightweight nature could be considered an advantage.

To use Cashfusion, one needs only to download a compatible wallet, set it up, fund it with BCH, and enable Cashfusion. This process can be completed in minutes. From there, the wallet automatically fuses transactions with others, maintaining the user’s privacy without any additional effort on their part. Such simplicity is a significant advantage for those seeking a quick and convenient privacy solution.

In contrast, using MWEB through Litecoin Core requires more steps. Users need to download Litecoin Core, sync the entire Litecoin blockchain, create a new MWEB address, and conduct transactions. While the privacy benefits of MWEB are significant, the additional complexity and time required for setup can be seen as a disadvantage compared to Cashfusion.


Cashfusion and MWEB both provide strong privacy features for their respective cryptocurrencies, but in terms of ease of use and accessibility, Cashfusion may have the edge. The fact that Cashfusion does not require downloading the entire blockchain means it can be set up faster and consumes fewer resources, which is an attractive feature for many users.

However, both protocols have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Choosing between the two largely depends on the user’s specific needs and resources. As the world of cryptocurrency continues to evolve, further improvements and innovations in privacy protocols can be expected, potentially enhancing both their ease of use and security.